Silicon Dragon Beijing 2015
CHINA TECH: HOTTER THAN EVER: Deals, valuations and funds hit near-record highs. Chinese smart phone maker Xiaomi and drone maker DJI are setting new standards for valuations in the venture capital market. Deals between one-time rivals are plentiful, and the BAT are buying up startups with innovations. How long will the momentum last?
Joe Chen, Chairman & CEO, Renren VIDEO on Youku too
Lei Yang, Managing Director, Northern Light Venture Capital
Chun Xia, Co-founder & General Partner, TEEC Angel Fund
Michael Zhu, Partner, Gobi Partners
Kefei Li, Partner, Sidley Austin
Philip Ng, Partner, KPMG
Thanks to Silicon Dragon Beijing 2015 sponsors
KPMG, TusPark HK, Sidley Austin
Silicon Dragon Beijing 2015
Venue: Four Seasons Hotel
May 21, 2015 5pm – 8pm, including networking reception with cocktails
Ticket price includes lunch and tour of TusPark facilities in Beijing, Friday, May 22, 11AM-2pm.
Event Supporters: Red Pagoda Resources, AngelVest, Sohu Focus,
Mobile Monday Shanghai, Startup Digest