Leaping From The Future
Leaping into the future is hard enough as it is with all the myriad of obstacles that try to block our ability to advance in our external world.
However, I have observed that the most difficult barriers exist in our own minds. Mental barriers of old ideas that we can’t let go of. Emotional barriers of difficult feelings that sometimes we aren’t even aware that we feel, much less have the ability to shake off.
You would think that our ego would want us to be happy and succeed in the future. Actually I think that these internal blockages, prove that the ego is trapped in the past and is determined to avoid the necessary change and growth that leads to success. Actually all the ego wants to do is to be able to keep a fixed version of us from the past and present alive in the future.
So the vision we have of our future successful selves is a threat to the ego because it involves shedding its own skin and transforming into something new — but transform we must if we want to achieve enduring success.
So, the choice in any moment is really clear. Are we advancing into the unknown, leaping towards a future self that does not yet exist? Are we growing? Or are we stuck trying to make excuses for our old ego? Are we being defensive against the constructive feedback we need to grow and constantly blaming others for our mistakes? Instead are we learning the valuable lessons that these mistakes and failures teach us? Are we constantly reminding ourselves about how our past victories make us a “Stand-out Success”? Or are we challenging ourselves to dream beyond the limits of our current “comfort zone” even at the risk that we will fall short of our gaze and suffer a humiliating public and private defeat?
The gravitational force of the past and present ego is extremely strong and insidious and it is not easy to reach “escape velocity” by just committing to Leap INTO the future.
I find that the best thing to do is to Leap FROM the Future. Read more at Adam.
Adam Lindemann is Founder and CEO of Mind Fund Group in Hong Kong