Category: Videos

Ask A VC Series: Blackbird Ventures, Sydney

Silicon Dragon Global: Ask A VC Anything! Series Niki Scevak, Partner, Blackbird Ventures, Sydney February 24, 2022 with show host Rebecca Fannin, Silicon Dragon Regular live show has featured 50 VCs from around the globe, since April 2020 For more info, see

US-China Tech Strategies: The Big Debate

                          Silicon Dragon Recap US-China Tech Strategies The Big Debate September 8 VIDEO RECAP Panelists David B.H. Denoon, director of the center for US-China Relations at New York University, is the editor of China’s Grand Strategy: A Roadmap to Global Power. William J. Holstein, a...

Silicon Dragon Global Online: Ask A VC! Wei Jiang

Wei Jiang, Founding Partner, CatchLight Capital, Silicon Valley with Rebecca Fannin, Silicon Dragon Ventures VC Wei Jiang  shares his expert views on how US-China tensions are impacting tech deals and innovation. His new firm recently absorbed 12 US startups invested in by ZhenFund.