Tagged: Silicon Heartland

Silicon Heartland On the Go: Chicago

Silicon Heartland held a roundtable discussion, June 22, with leaders from World Business Chicago, P33, and Nixon Peabody to discuss opportunities and challenges for this central Midwest city turning to tech innovation to fuel economic growth.

Silicon Heartland On The Go: Buffalo Rising Panel of Experts

Silicon Heartland author Rebecca Fannin started her Great Lakes tour of former Rust Belt cities in Buffalo, June 20. She held a panel with former Congressman Chris Jacobs and regional tech experts, visited the STAMP greentech site, met 43North startups, and toured disruptive startup Viridi in a former GM plant.

First Review Of Silicon Heartland Packs A Punch! 5 Stars on Amazon!

First review just in for my new book, and it packs a punch! Publishers Weekly Silicon Heartland: Transforming the Midwest from Rust Belt to Tech Belt “Journalist Rebecca A. Fannin delivers a spirited account of her road trip through the Midwest to survey the region’s tech-driven revitalization. The Rust Belt, she contends, ‘is making a comeback’...